Monday, July 28, 2014

Rushing Around

I noticed this weekend that the stores have all their back to school paraphernalia out in the aisles. August and school time are just around the corner, and it seems like only yesterday that school was out--and I mean when I was going to school.
For four years of my school career August meant rush at the sorority house. There was always a lot of singing, silly skits, and smiles and in the end the nerve-wracking wait to see where everyone would end up.
Here I am on bid day way back in the old days. Look how happy and relieved I looked! Look at how I had no wrinkles on my forehead back then! (Don't look at my silly hairdo. I was trying to grow it out.)
Anyway, that day was the beginning of many lifelong friendships and a lot of fun. Part of the fun that my pledge sisters and I had was covering everything we owned with our new Greek letters. We covered paddles and frames and t-shirts and hair ribbons. You name it. We Greek'd it.
Now that I am an old lady, why should it be any different? So here are a few of my Greek letter books I've made recently.

Folded books make great gifts for new pledges. Get yours here.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sand Castle Wedding

I've had a rush of wedding orders recently. One was for a couple getting married on the beach in Florida. They had sand castles as part of their theme and the groom's mom commissioned this book for the head table.
We used a sea foam blue book and I added dates and names to the corners after I took this picture. I think the whole table looked spectacular! Don't you?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wishing and Hoping

Here's a book I made the other day for a girl named...

likes it.  :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

For All You Lawyers and Friends of Lawyers

I got an order the other day for the scales of justice. Here's how it turned out.

I had to search for awhile to find just the right book--something to do with the law that had enough pages to fold. I ran across this one at a used book store.

Then I found some law books to make more. Know a lawyer who needs a nifty gift? Just let me know!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Here Comes the Bride...and Groom!

This nifty couple is headed across the ocean for a very special wedding.

The bride tells me that her colors are gray and kelly green and she chose this classic background for the endpapers.

I made this same duo when my baby got married, but I updated the font on the groom's book and I think it turned out beautifully.

I've said it before, but it's not easy photographing folded books. Half of the fun of seeing one is watching has the light changes as you walk around it. Sometimes a video does it better justice. See what I mean...

Sunday, July 6, 2014


I like M's.
Tall elegant M's and ...

big, rounded M's...

and prim and proper M's...

Do you have a favorite someone whose name starts with M? Click here to order a book just for themmmmmm.