Wednesday, September 11, 2013

King Oil

This is one of my favorite books.

(And for those of you who just said, "Oklahoma has culture? Who knew?", I smite thee.)

I like this book so much that I have colored many of its pages with a highlighter.

I like it so much that I have used several highlighters and a pen to mark up some pages.

And sticky tabs.
I like it because when I found it at age 29, this book explained why I was as I was with pithy bits like this:
Oil came closer to being a miracle cure for impecuniousness than did agriculture. It set the equation land equals wealth ever more firmly in the Oklahoma mind. 
From these peculiar circumstances--a frenzied claiming of land, the failure of much farmland to sustain sustenance, and the spread of oil and gas production--comes a basic Oklahoma attitude, a strong faith that land provides for those who are fortunate enough to have drawn a favorable lot...This fatalistic view, drawn from experience, emphasizes winning or losing, the luck of the draw. It is deeply embedded in the Oklahoma psyche.
Whoa! This guy just described me, my family, and everyone else I grew up with, too. That's why this is one of my favorite books. Because I thought someone might have been hiding in my head when he wrote it.

My family's luck has always been sort of middle of the road. Our farms were good enough to sustain sustenance but we hadn't drawn that really favorable lot, the one with lots of oil gurgling up from the ground...

...until the end of my senior year of college. Finally, it looked like our luck was about to change. They were drilling on our land.

My parents bought me this gold nugget to celebrate.

That was the summer--the one right after graduation--that I met Captain America. And let me tell you about the power of oil.

In our early courtship Captain America--well, he was Lieutenant America then--tried to impress me by buying me a gold chain for my nugget. It worked. The guy I was dating right before him made me pay for everything so jewelry was definitely a step in the right direction.

As the courtship flourished, so did the oil well. Each week the news was better than the last. 
They had hit paydirt.
Our stake was going to be $3,000 a week.
$5,000 a week.
$10,000 a week.

About a week after that last announcement I got another piece of jewelry from Captain America--a fancy-dancy diamond ring with a big proposal attached.

That's the power of oil, my friends. The land provides!

And then about a month after that we got the news that the well had collapsed and we would be lucky to get $3,000 ever.

And the land taketh away. Welcome to the luck of the draw, Captain America. You are officially an Oklahoman! :)

This is a long and windy post all to get to this punchline. Awhile back I found this history of the oil industry volume with a fabulous front cover decorated in gold. Now it says:

Oil could still be the cure for my impecuniousness. Somebody needs to buy this book.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Football Time!

Yay! It's football time again.

Time to show your school pride. Whether you yell...

Buy me on Etsy

...or if you yell...

Buy me on Etsy

...and especially if you yell...

Buy me on Etsy

Buy me on Etsy
Bring it on!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When Life Gives You Ground Delays, Giggle!

So the other day I made a mad dash through the Phoenix airport to catch a plane. My first flight had landed just a few minutes before, and the late landing and a connecting flight in the next terminal meant this was not going to be an easy task.

I rounded the corner just as they called my group to get on and out of breath, I handed my boarding pass to the gate agent and took my seat.

The airplane gods were being good to me that day, or at least that's what I thought. I had an exit seat with a lot of room. Well, a lot of room relatively speaking. The flight attendants quickly went through their spiel, and with my seatbelt securely fastened across my lap and my backpack situated underneath the seat in front of me, I felt the plane lurch backward...and then stop.

"Uh..." said a voice from the cockpit, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've just received word that there are major thunderstorms in Texas and they've called a ground delay in Houston, so we're going to have to sit here for an hour. Please feel free to get out your phones and computers."

Phones and computers, are you kidding me? I thought as I reached into my backpack and grabbed an RDCB. This is the perfect time to fold a book! So I did.

I had gotten just this far...

...when the voice from the cockpit returned.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we just got word from the dispatcher that we're free to go. Please restow all your personal belongings. We'll be on our way shortly."

A collective sigh of relief came from the passengers as the flight attendants made sure we were buckled in and tray tables were stowed. The plane began backing up again, pivoted, and began its way to the runway...and then...

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but even though the dispatcher told us it was OK to go apparently he hadn't checked with Houston and there is still a ground delay. We're going to have to wait another hour. The flight attendants are going to go through the cabin with a beverage service."

The collective sigh of less than a minute before now turned into a collective groan, but not from me. I reached down and grabbed my RDCB and started folding away. I made it as far as... 

...before the pilot came back on one last time to tell us that the ground delay had been lifted and we had been cleared for take off. By the time the flight was over, the book was finished...

just in time to give it to this lovely mom-to-be for her baby's nursery.

Because let's face it--whether you're sitting on a plane for a two-hour delay or sitting up at two o'clock in the morning waiting for a baby to burp, sometimes the best thing you can do is just giggle.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

School Daze!

Back in the day, it was my favorite day of the year--the first day of school.

Yep, I was one of those weird ones who couldn't wait for the teachers to hand me my new textbooks. Better than that was when my mother took me to the school supply store to pick out the notebook that would hold my world for the next nine months, the cool stuff that went in the zippered pocket, and best of all--the mousetrap folders!

I liked school so much  I ended up going to four colleges and getting two degrees and a teacher's certificate. My teaching career, however, lasted exactly one semester. I found out quickly that I was a much better student than I was a teacher. Or to paraphrase a teacher friend of mine, "I thought I was going to teach history, but they wanted me to teach teenagers."

I knew my career was over the day the master teacher walked into my room mid-class holding a shoe. Apparently it belonged to one of my students and another of my students had thrown it across the hall and into her classroom during her students' read-through of Julius Caesar. I hadn't even noticed. Doh! 

All you who think that you can teach just because you used to sit in a classroom, I double dare you to try it yourself. It's not nearly as easy as it looks. In fact, it takes a lot of work to make it look that easy, and a special kind of person--I believe the formula is 50% genius, 50% crazy. 

Well, I got a request the other day to fold it for a brand new math teacher named April, so here it is.

And I think Edwared Tufte's titles might describe this combo art piece/mathematical tome to a tee.

So here's to you, April! Best of luck to you and all you other teachers as the new school year begins. And all of you remember this very important formula:

 number of students you teach x 2 = appropriate number of shoes that should be in your classroom.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

To Kill a RDCB

When the day of reckoning comes and I have to make a list of Coolest People I Ever Met and Great Friends, Missy is going to be near the top of my list. And I say that even though I don't think I've seen her in 25 years.

Here's what we looked like back in the day. That's me back in the back in the pink sweater, and that's Missy peeking in from the side with her #1 son in the Eskimo Joe's t-shirt in front of her. And that's my #1 son with the ears and the stripes having a really great time at his 4th birthday party.

Missy and I met a year or so before this picture was taken. We were both commuting to Oklahoma State University at the time and decided to carpool. I liked college a lot--which is why I attended four of them--but driving with Missy that year was just icing on the college cake.

Why was it so good? Well, for one, Missy is a great storyteller, and she always had great, crazy stories to tell--and they were all true. In fact, at one point I made her sit down in front of a video camera and tell them to me, so I wouldn't ever forget them. I still have that tape. (And Missy, it can be yours if the price is right. ha!)

For another, Missy loved books. Loved them as much as I did. Missy is the woman who taught me it's OK to be reading three books at a time--one next to your bed, one in the bathroom, and an audiobook in your car. A rule I've tried to live by ever since. In fact, at some point that year we started listening to audiobooks from the library and I was hooked.

And all of this leads me to this book. Remember it? I got it at the church rummage sale the other day.

It's from 1961 and it's got some great titles--Fate is the Hunter, The Winter of Our Discontent, and The Agony and the Ecstasy.

And everyone's all-time favorite, To Kill a Mockingbird. It's one of Missy's favorites, too, which is why Missy did the coolest thing ever and...

(wait for it)

...named her daughter Scout.

Last week Missy got in touch to ask if I could make something for Scout with that book and here's what the book looks like now.

A cool book for the girl with the coolest name.

And speaking of cool. That list of Coolest People I Ever Met and Great Friends? Don't worry, the rest of you will make it, too. I make it a point to surround myself with cool people.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saturday Reading With Scissors Style

This is Babette.

If Barb is my spiritual advisor on all things decorative, then Babette is my advisor on all things to do with running a small business. And she should know, she runs three, including Print Me Prim who was responsible for all the invitations, programs, and seating chart and other sundries when my baby got married, and Kraft Outlet, where you can get some of the coolest crafting supplies ever.

Babette is a fellow Oklahoman, has the best stories, and always keeps me in stitches. She also is a great bird dog for RDCBs, which is how I ended up at Marilyn's estate yesterday carting out a couple of boxes of the coveted books.

I'm loving these pink and blue lovelies...

...and especially these blue beauties...
and these neutrals with a bright red accents.

And then something new. Reader's Digest Condensed Books of Murder and Suspense, with this cool spider web motif...

...and this black volume with an embossed Sherlock Holmes on the cover.

And here's a mystery for you. RDCBs normally always have 576 pages--no matter what the year or story, but these Mystery and Suspense books both have more than 600. What gives? Ah who cares? It's room for another letter or two!

So after I left Marilyn's, I went over to Barb's for a wedding shower.

And look at Barb! She's folding flowers, too! She decorated her luncheon tables with these cute purple and orange flower and matching RDCBs from the Reading With Scissors collection.

She got rave reviews from everyone!

And here is the beaver that always stands in Barb's foyer wearing her wedding veil and giant diamond ring. 

Just because.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Except After C and Umlatts

Do you remember that old rule from grade school spelling tests?

"I before E, except after C, except when as ay as in neighbor and weigh."

Well, guess what. It holds true in German, too. And just for the record you should know that before you start folding a book.

Remember that cute couple that got married in the Gloss Mountains. Their last name is Kliewer. So I decided to make them a Mr & Mrs book and I got this far...

and thought to myself, "Self, that doesn't look right." And sure enough. Doh!

So I started over with a new book (which I don't have a picture of, but it turned out pretty cute!). 

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with a Kle book. Ideas?

By the way, I blame Brian Stecklein for teaching me the wrong rule about German names way back when.